I want to start doing these random thoughts post. A moment when I’m not serious and it just seems like I’m talking to my best friends.
The mood right now is just a vibe. I’m currently playing a chill mix on my iPad and looking out the window. I originally started doing my gratitude for the day and one of the things I wrote down was “grateful for slow pace.” And I felt the urge to talk deeper about that.
I’m at this point in life where I want to live in the moment and take life a little slower. Everything that is for me will come to me at the right time. I don’t want to go looking for it. This world is just so fast pace. Whether it’s technology, getting older, love, fashion, etc. EVERYTHING IS JUST FAST!
I often find myself trying to rush growth on my platforms, life, and having it altogether. And it may just be me trying to keep up with everybody or sometimes I feel like I started my passion late. And that makes me feel like the opportunities are going to run out but like I said what’s for me is going to be for me.
I need to stop doing that. Because what am I rushing for? To keep up with society? Worrying about the future? To have a certain number in the bank account? To buy material things? To look like I have my stuff together ? None of that will bring peace or happiness.
I hear about people rushing. Once they get to that point they were trying to reach they look back and realize they didn’t even enjoy the moments or the growth when things were smaller.
Everybody wants the outcome of the BIG picture but never want to go through the process of connecting the pieces. What about that excitement you get when you connect the smaller pieces together? Don’t miss those moments! They’re all important.
Talk to you soon, Key Lashaye 🖤
Love it!