I wake up most of my mornings saying to myself why am I doing this ?? You’re purposely putting yourself out there. I think that’s always been my biggest fear. All my life I’ve been the one who didn’t have attention on her. I was the support. I never did sports, leadership roles, public speaking, etc. I hung in the back as you could say. I thought academic was my thing, or the only thing I was good for. I got away with that all of my teenage years, and honestly thought I would get away with it all of my life. But what they say? Want to make God laugh? Tell him your plans.
The fear of looking stupid as they say. It’s truly holding you back.
If I could tell my younger self anything; I would say just try and nudge her forward. In middle school, try out for the soccer team with your friends. Keep creating your outfits and posting. Let go of trying to fit in, nothing was wrong with how you viewed the world that was your creative eye all along, and have fun. The fear of failure will always be there but don’t focus on that. Whether it’s private or for the world to see, you can’t protect yourself from losses. Whether it’s a win or loss, it’s about the experience, the ability, doing something your heart desires, and having fun. Protecting yourself from the judgement of people or looking stupid will only hurt you in the long run. Not because their opinions matters but because you never got to experience something that could turn out for the better. Or even groundbreaking.
Those “fear” thoughts are only your body trying to keep you safe from the unknown. But one thing God has shown me is you’re only afraid because you don’t know about it just yet. The only way you get over that hump is you learn about it or try it.
Life in general is scary but what’s truly scary is playing safe. Don’t play it safe! I held myself back. I made myself be the one sitting in the crowd watching people live their life trying. Building perseverance. Not afraid of applying. Or shoot maybe they were, but it didn’t stop them. Auditioning. Creating. And for the past 3 years, almost 4, I am so glad God nudged me into the world of “just try.” And what I can say is, I’ve had manyyyyy “failures” with content creation but looking back on my journey it has helped me to appreciate finding my way back home. YouTube. Having a space to share my passion in a new way. I’ve had many uncomfortable moments but I’m finally in a place that feels right. And I thank God for that.
So my advice is go for it. Don’t worry about the people who will look at you or not like your work. Or won’t get you. Only the people who is afraid of trying will judge you. But just focus only pleasing God, and your why. Enjoy the journey.
I’m just getting started with trying. I hope you are too.
Talk to you soon, Key Lashaye 🖤
p.s. the cover photo was not purposeful but it fits for this so well. As I was cleaning, my sleeve got caught on the door. I was still trying to go forward but I was being held back. It looks stupid but this exemplifies our fears in reality. Once again, the fear of looking stupid is holding us back. Get out there and try girl. Xoxo