My growth in style has been a journey, and will always be. I had to learn to listen to my inner self. I didn’t know what my voice was or what I wanted to say through my outfits. That was because I listen to the outside by letting what I saw determine that.
I’m not perfect when it comes to having an answer to the how to fix it. But I’m learning to ask myself questions. About how I feel? Is it really me? Am inspired or do I just like it on that person? Is it a phase?
As come back to my authentic self, I revealed truth. I’m going to always change. My likes may not be the same years from now or days but right now this is it. This is me. I don’t want to place myself in a box. And I’m not trying to win people over by liking my outfit. I dress for me. And that yes I’m a Christian but there’s not a certain way I have to dress to make people believe I’m one.
so here’s collage of my favorite looks overtime and I’m excited to evolve more this year!
Talk to you soon, Key Lashaye 🖤