Breaking out of perfectionism 

Oct, 13, 2023
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Perfection sucks the life out of the journey. It withholds your ability to embrace the process. The mishaps. Your uniqueness. 

Living in the system of “success” by the world’s definition will have you living a life that’s not even true. Creating a facade that you can’t even live up to. You’re just another domino effect of the system. 

It’ll have you forever frozen in place waiting for the right moment. Trying to live up to expectations of the world but yet dying inside. Where did the passion go? Where did the love go? Excitement? It disappeared when you gave up your individuality. The moment you, and everything else, needed to be perfect.

Perfectionism will have you constantly chasing “success.” Trying to follow the crowd or what worked. It will have you looking down at your creation just because it doesn’t look like everyone else. It will have you questioning who you are? Your voice? What do you even believe in? 

It will have you constantly trying to change yourself to fit in. Losing who you are from within just to be seen. To be good enough for people that could turn their backs on you at any moment. 

Perfection.. it was never meant to be a standard. What is truly perfect? 

talk to you soon, Key Lashaye 🖤

October 1, 2023


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