The Beginning

· The start of my relationship with God. ·

Apr, 02, 2021
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I like to say that I started building the relationship in July 2020. 


        Although I have always been a christian and raised in the church; I never took the time out to build that relationship with God. I only gave Him time on Sundays, and sometimes Wednesdays. To me, that was good enough because my priorities was: being young, doing what I wanted to do, and fitting in with my age group. Not having that connection, led to me easily falling into temptation knowing it wasn’t like my character to do things of the world. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t a horrible child or person, but having that disconnection caused my decision making to deteriorate overtime, and I lost myself. 

Fast forward to Summer 2020: Reality check 

       My life didn’t go as planned. If I could map out my life for you I would currently be in nursing school, almost finished with college, and living my life having fun. Well I was slapped with a reality check; I didn’t get into the program and that crushed me. But I was more embarrassed because how could I not get into the one thing that prepares me for the only profession I THOUGHT I wanted to do. How was I going to look people in the face and tell them I don’t know what my next move is.

        Can I give you a side note that I learned? This may help you in some way. Humility is not a feeling; it’s a decision. Humiliation comes from us having the fear of failure because of other people’s opinion, and letting our pride and ego get in the way. With humility, it’s your choice to humble yourself. It’s okay not to always succeed. If we went through life without failing sometimes, we wouldn’t have any lessons to learn, or be able to say even through the storm and the rain I made it. Dharius Daniels taught me that humility unlocks the door to our potential. You can choose to let it be an embarrassment and failure, or you can let it be a lesson and allow God to use that for your potential.

       Now back to what I was saying. Little did I know that me not getting the happy ending that I CREATED for myself would lead to a blessing in disguise. But first I had to go to God in prayer for direction. I realized that I couldn’t do it on my own and I needed to give Him full control. He was always there waiting for me to call on Him, but I had to be willingly to fully surrender to Him. God doesn’t make us do anything. That’s something I love about Him; He gives us a choice so that it comes from the heart.

Now are you ready to do life my way? 

        God didn’t give an answer immediately, but it came on time. It took me really committing to God. I devoted my time to him through prayer, reading my bible, listening to sermons, and journaling. During that time a direction was given to me. The next month, an opportunity was brought to me!

A New Beginning 

    When I moved, I started to see/hear  “new beginning” everywhere because it stood out to me. That was the word that my home church prayed over me before leaving. Ever since, it’s been a new beginning in every thing in my life. That’s why you are able to read this now. In September 2020, God gave me the idea of starting this blog, and there have been a lot of battles to get to this point. I almost didn’t do it but God’s plan can’t be stopped.

     He has closed and locked doors that weren’t for me, but He unlocked and opened doors to greater opportunities. He does that for each and everyone of us, and because He has done it for me I will not keep it to myself. We are all on this journey called life trying to release the burdens off us and find the key to unlock our greatest potential. But we have to remember it’s not meant for us to do it on our own, we have to give God full control, and He will lead us. I am creating this space to not only grow and empower myself but to create a community that empowers each other. Welcome to Unlock With Key Lashaye….

Talk to you soon

Key Lashaye 🖤


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